Articles of the European Health Data Space (EHDS), Article 64, European Health Data Space Board (EHDS Board)

Article 64, European Health Data Space Board (EHDS Board), Articles of the European Health Data Space (EHDS), (Proposal_3.5.2022)

1. A European Health Data Space Board (EHDS Board) is hereby established to facilitate cooperation and the exchange of information among Member States. The EHDS Board shall be composed of the high level representatives of digital health authorities and health data access bodies of all the Member States. Other national authorities, including market surveillance authorities referred to in Article 28, European Data Protection Board and European Data Protection Supervisor may be invited to the meetings, where the issues discussed are of relevance for them. The Board may also invite experts and observers to attend its meetings, and may cooperate with other external experts as appropriate. Other Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, research infrastructures and other similar structures shall have an observer role.

2. Depending on the functions related to the use of electronic health data, the EHDS Board may work in subgroups, where digital health authorities or health data access bodies for a certain area shall be represented. The subgroups may have joint meetings, as required.

3. The composition, organisation, functioning and cooperation of the sub-groups shall be set out in the rules of procedure put forward by the Commission.

4. Stakeholders and relevant third parties, including patients’ representatives, shall be invited to attend meetings of the EHDS Board and to participate in its work, depending on the topics discussed and their degree of sensitivity.

5. The EHDS Board shall cooperate with other relevant bodies, entities and experts, such as the European Data Innovation Board referred to in Article 26 of Regulation […] [Data Governance Act COM/2020/767 final], competent bodies set up under Article 7 of Regulation […] [Data Act COM/2022/68 final], supervisory bodies set up under Article 17 of Regulation […] [eID Regulation], European Data Protection Board referred to in Article 68 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and cybersecurity bodies.

6. The Commission shall chair the meetings of the EHDS Board.

7. The EHDS Board shall be assisted by a secretariat provided by the Commission.

8. The Commission shall, by means of implementing acts, adopt the necessary measures for the establishment, management and functioning of the EHDS Board. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 68(2).